Australia bound

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The past few weeks have been really good! So much has happened...well let's see, last week our group went on our first outreach trip to Byron Bay which is pretty much a really cool little laid back hippie town. Our main focus was the teenagers who were there for Schoolies which is pretty much a large scale version of spring break...there's tons of drinking smoking and sex and lots of people get in fights or get raped so it's really pretty dangerous...but we were there just to hang out with the kids and kind of get them away from the pubs etc. and it was such a cool experince getting to meet all the kids and give them free food and just show them God's love without forcing our beliefs on them but also letting them know the gospel. It was awesome and our team bonded so much this week. I really feel like they are my family now. Praise report: I lost my camera the other night and was so upset over it and so I kept on praying pretty much the God would work a miracle and also give me a good attitude about it and that I wouldn't place too much value on it because it's only a camera, well the next night a girl that I had prayed for the night before came up to me and brought my camera back to me! She said she had accidentally picked it up...who knows for sure if she stole it or not but God definitely had a purpose for me losing it. It was awesome! Well more Asia found out that we will be going only to India now..not China anymore. I'm fully okay with that...a bit disappointed though, but I do intend to go to China sometime in the future. We have 3 weeks of lectures left and then local outreach for about 1 month...then I'm off to India. I'm really excited about what we will do in India, especially working with the street children and child sex slaves. It's such a sad and hopeless life those kids live and it's so cool that we get to bring them so much hope because of what Jesus did. God is good and I'm looking forward to the next few months. I miss everyone..especially since it's the holiday season. I really love the warm weather though. Thanksgiving day was fun...I went to the beach and it was about 90F! Since it's an American holiday, we didn't celebrate it but I did see a wild turkey on the beach! That's about as close as I got to eating turkey! In Byron, we visited the lighthouse and tooks lots of photos (mom would love it) and about a 5 minute walk from the lighthouse, we went to the most easterly point on the map of Australia, so I was the closest to home that I'll be in a very long time! It was beautiful and hopefully I'll get some pics on here soon.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


this week has been cool! we have had many water balloon fights and small group is so fun, we meet 2x a week and we made up a name for ourselves.."SCAMM" each letter stands for each person's name in the group. it's cool because we made these t-shirts and we do pranks on the other small groups. Tuesday we got one group with tons of water balloons! today we made cookies and discussed's really fun. i love this school...I feel like i'm learning so much and also having fun at the same time, making such awesome friends and memories.
(so in this picture...Sieni, Chris, Me, Moa, Matt and our newest member, Diana!)